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Have you ever had a moment of realization in which you wondered, “Am I really spending time on what matters most?”

Me, too.


I’ve always been ambitious in going after what I thought I wanted, and I’ve rarely been without a vision for a positive change in myself and the world.

I thought my purpose was the thing that had captured my attention and energy—which often translated to my work. I felt really good when I was creating something for others and positively impacting their lives.

But then I started to wonder things like, “Does this represent who I really am? Is this what matters most?” I also wondered where my sense of purpose, belonging, and identity was rooted. It was easy to keep flowing with the forward momentum provided by my work and external actions, but I wanted my finite days to be lived out in a more intentional way. I wanted to know my truest identity and be more intentional in spending my energy in ways that were in alignment with what matters most.

Leslie in peach top looking ahead
Leslie talking into podcast microphone

These realizations inspired a quest to find what really mattered most to me.

I believed that each person was uniquely created with specific gifts to make a difference in the world, but for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on my own unique gifts. In this process of mining the depths of my identity, I encountered the power of understanding my personality type and my Core Gift.

I discovered that these frameworks for answering the questions I had about myself and how I could use what I discovered to live the life I was created to live—a life lived with intention as I lean into the truest version of myself. In other words, a life focused on what matters most.

Digging beyond the initial (and inaccurate) results I received from online tests helped me to make sense of my gifts, strengths, and struggles. Learning to observe these things in my life—in real time—empowers me to live each day with greater purpose, intention, and meaning.


I want to help you create the same kind of life—a life focused on what matters most.


My work is based on these foundational beliefs and values:

  • I believe your personality type isn’t a box that limits the full expression of who you are—it gives you a roadmap for the most authentic expression of your identity.

  • I believe you have a unique contribution to make to the world.

  • I believe you are valuable right now and just as you are.

  • I believe the ability to observe your patterns in real time is one of the most powerful tools you can develop to create an intentional and purposeful life.

  • I believe you have an innate, distinct potential that becomes even more powerful and impactful when consciously and intentionally expressed.

  • I believe your personality type and Core Gift will guide you to uncover what matters most so you can activate your truest and most authentic potential.



Core Gift Discovery Master Facilitator (2023)

Certified Professional Enneagram Coach from CP Enneagram Academy (2022)

CP Enneagram Personal Mastery Program (2022)

PCC Coaching Credential (2021)

Accredited Personality Hacker Profiler (2021)

Accredited Integrative Enneagram Practitioner (2020)

Personality Hacker Certified Profiler (2020)

Certified Professional Coach (CPC), trained at iPEC (2018)

Certified MBTI® Practitioner (2017)

Other: B.S. Education, M.S. Science Education, B.A. Photography
