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Leslie in green looking straight ahead

Not enough time for it all?

Life is finite. I’ll show you how to make space for what matters most.

You can live your most authentic, impactful life—and be more purposeful and intentional with your time and energy—by re-discovering who you are through personality typology and your Core Gift.


You have a lot of interests and find it hard to say no to any of them. Yet you want to have an authentic impact. So, how can you focus on what matters most?

Whether you’re saying yes to another course, a new hobby, or a new opportunity, the depth of your impact can be diminished by taking on more and more—even if you feel like you can handle it.

Your 16 Types personality, Enneagram type, and your Core Gift will empower you to refocus on what matters most.

Whether you discover your personality type or Core Gift (or both), you’ll be equipped to make more authentic, intentional, and impactful decisions on where to spend your time and energy.

I’ll partner with you in the process of...

Leslie in beige with legs crossed

1. Choosing a framework

While I work with three different frameworks (two personality typology systems + your Core Gift), it’s important to start with one framework for focus, intention, and clear direction on your growth journey. Don’t worry—you can always work with another framework down the road. Take the quiz to help you choose the best place to start. If you already know your personality types or you’re interested in discovering your unique contribution to the world, check out the Core Gift package.

2. Self-Discovery

After you choose the framework that’s best for you, we’ll discover your accurate personality type or Core Gift through an in-depth conversational interview process. What you’ll learn will open your eyes to your strengths, struggles, shadows, and the unique ways you interact and contribute to the world.


3. Waking Up

Through self-observation and reflection through the lens of your personality type or Core Gift, you’ll see yourself in a whole new way which will help you wake up to your automatic and unconscious behaviors. You’ll also discover what truly matters to you. This stage can be exciting as well as a little unsettling. That’s totally normal! But knowing your starting point is part of waking up and becoming empowered to live your finite days with more purpose and meaning.

4. Authentic & impactful Living

By combining what you observe with where you want to go, you’ll be equipped to take action on a more authentic, impactful, and purposeful plan for your life. You’ll create ripples of meaningful and transformative impact to all those around you.


Not sure which framework to use first?

No problem. I can help you make space for what matters most whether we work with personality typology or your Core Gift.

But this little interactive quiz will save you time by identifying the most meaningful and impactful place for you to begin.



Discover Your Core Gift

Find Your Personality Type


Hi there, I’m Leslie.

I’m a coach, consultant, and empathetic advocate for those seeking growth, transformation, and purposeful living.

I love helping people experience more purpose and meaning by aligning their life with their true identity and what matters most.

My passion for creating space so people can see who they’re uniquely created to be drives my deep commitment to my clients. I’m committed to helping you activate your potential to positively impact your life and the world.

My wish is for everyone to experience the transformative power of using their personality and Core Gift as the keys to unlocking a life of purpose and impact.

Leslie in stripped peach top looking ahead

Want help to identify the best framework for this stage of your life?
