S3E8 - This episode kicks off a series of interviews to see the strengths and struggles of various types with the Authentic Life Framework and to hear about their journey to finding their best-fit type—including mistypes!

Today we have Mary Joy—an ENTJ who once thought she was an INFJ—to share with us how she found her type, the ways she observes her type impacting her life, and her relationship to each element of the Authentic Life Framework (Consciousness, Clarity, Confidence, Community, and Consistency).

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About Mary Joy:

Mary Joy is a creative, musician, community organizer, mother, lifelong learner, and ENTJ passionate about Jungian psychological type based in Milwaukee, WI. Currently a graduate student at Marquette University in the Student Affairs in Higher Education program, Mary Joy aspires to build better communities by centering creativity, personal development, purpose and values alignment, and social justice. Mary Joy is an Accredited Personality Hacker Profiler and Master Certified Professional Coach.