Katharine de Vos Devine

Leslie is incredibly perceptive, knowledgeable, clear, and kind. Our personality typing session was a turning point in my life. For years, I misunderstood and suppressed parts of my personality. When I understood and accepted myself as an ENFP, I embraced my strengths and began to use them wisely. My legal practice grew dramatically when I applied more creativity, increased face-to-face contact with clients, and let my natural enthusiasm power everything I do. My friendships improved when I allowed the full range of my generosity and spontaneity to flower. My partnership improved when I specifically understood the differences between my needs and the needs of my dear INFJ spouse. And I just like myself so much better. There is no comparison between working with Leslie and online tests, or even the most avid self-directed research. Self-guided internet typing lacks the training and nuance that Leslie brings to her work. If I had known just how different, I would have made my appointment much earlier!

—Katharine de Vos Devine, Lawyer and Art historian

Candace Joseph