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Jolene Grey

I can truly say that working with Leslie is one of the most valuable investments into self-care that I have ever made. Leslie was able to determine my MBTI best-fit type, my Enneagram number, and I chose to continue working with her in the Level 1 and Level 2 coaching packages. I was initially drawn to Leslie's authenticity and to the beauty and quality of her website and podcast. I have found that she legitimately cares about helping people find, and connect, to their true selves. I had so much to sort through and I don't think I could have done this without her. Working with her felt magical; not only because she is so dialed into the nuance of type, but also because she conveys a strong intellect and a rare compassion. I'm looking forward to going through Level 3 with her in the future. Thank You, Leslie, for sharing your exquisite gift with others—I am forever grateful and changed.

—Jolene Grey

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